Hope Holders
A special giving partnership with BYB to save and transform lives in need.

Hope Holders are unique ministry partners who pledge to give $1,000 or more. They are the backbone of support for our organization.
HOPE HOLDERS are unique ministry partners who pledge to give $1,000 or more. They are the backbone of support for our organization that allows us to reach women with the gospel of Christ and the hope of recovery.
The need is urgent. Eating disorders are the leading cause of death in all mental illnesses.
It is estimated that at least 23 people die every day as result of suffering from an eating disorder. Because a higher-level care is so costly (approximately $2,000 per day), only 1 in 10 people who suffer will get treatment. This is a tragedy, and Bring Your Brokenness wants to be a part of the solution. We know that full recovery is possible, and we want to reach as many people as we can with this hope.
God is using Bring Your Brokenness to save and transform lives.
Were it not for insurance and the unwavering support of my husband and friends, I would not be here today. Anorexia nearly took my life. I am grateful for the treatment that I received and for those who helped me hold onto hope through my darkest years when I couldn’t see it. Now, it is my passion to hold onto hope for others until the scales are removed from their eyes and they are able to see it for themselves.
But I need help.
Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Hope Holder alongside my team and me with a gift of $1,000 or more? We would love for you to stand with us in this way.
With love,
Would you consider joining me in sharing hope with those in need?